What is the Gordon Crowther Award?
The Gordon Crowther Award was developed and presented for the first time in Baltimore in 2000 to honour PMLGG Gordon F. Crowther, one of the great stalwarts of charity in Blue Goose history. The Gordon Crowther Charity Award is an international award that goes to that Pond that served so graciously in not only charitable donations, but in the dedication of their time in service to others, as well as other charitable activities such as collections of food, clothing or toys, or giving of scholarships etc. In other works, to exemplify the Blue Goose’s precepts of charity.
Who was Gordon Crowther?
“Gordon Crowther joined Blue Goose (Texas Pond) in 1949, he became a member of the Hartford Pond 1954. He was a gander for 50 years. Gordon was Most Loyal Grand Gander in 1976 at the Hartford, CT convention, and he also served as Grand Nest Historian, and attended at total of 41 conventions. He was dedicated to many different charitable organizations, including Blue Goose. If there was work to be done, or people to help, or ideals to pursue, Gordon was there. Not only to help, but to organize and lead. People naturally gravitated to him, he had a wonderful engaging personality and he had a special knack for making everyone feel important.” Excerpts from Hartford Ponderings, December 1999.
Congratulations to all our members for this prestigious award!
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